My Uncle’s Allotment


Lynne Collier


image by Kurt Bouda on Pixabay

Small surface plot but

almost two thousand miles deep.

Impressive garden!

When I was small we didn’t own land but we were ‘allotted’ a small garden to grow vegetables and flowers if we didn’t have a backyard. I have many fond memories of times planting and harvesting with my great-aunts and uncles. They grew most of their own vegetables. My job was to shell the peas. I giggled every time one popped!


Life At White Rose Shire

45 stories
A photo gallery of a garden in Autumn.
A squirrel eating seeds on a wooden railing.
A small red squirrel looking coy.



Lynne Collier

Writer of stories and poetry. Christ follower. Yorkshire lass living in Ontario. Author of 16 books. Loves gardening.